After a few recording breaking warm days and 3 weeks of alternating rain and sun, rain and sun….things are really growing. Hopefully you can tell we have a new camera. We are still learning how to use it. We purchased a Fugi HS50 EXR. It is pretty “dummy proof” on the auto settings!
The early crops are in the raised bed shown here. Kale, spinach, radishes, leeks, arugula, beets and snow peas. Mixed in with those are a cucumber, zucchini, yellow crook neck squash and patty pan summer squash. I am growing these upward, in the cages. There will be plenty of room for them when the early crops have been harvested.
Dave built a new raised bed for this year. We are calling it the “Salsa Garden”. So far it contains Poblano Pepper, Eggplant, Anaheim Chiles, Jalapeno Pepper, Tomatillos and a bell pepper. I will add cilantro soon. To the right of this garden are the blueberry bushes. They are about 8 years old now and are absolutely loaded with baby berries. Pie, jam, chutney are forthcoming!
We also have raspberries and June bearing strawberries. Dave just finished reinforcing the raspberry trellis. The yellow raspberries are amazing. We added two NW grape plants, which will eventually cover the top trellis.
Below is the tomato bed. There are also Walla Walla sweet onions here, and will eventually house the basil plants that are currently safe and sound on the kitchen window sill. There are 9 tomato plants, 8 varieties. Green Zebra (our favorite), Mr. Stripey, Black Krim, Juane Flamme, Sweet Baby Girl, Gold Nugget, Brandywine, and San Marzano. They are loaded with blossoms!
The herb garden and the romaine lettuce are doing fantastic!
The bed below has a few rows of green beans and a couple more squash plants.
Dave is growing his “prize winning” potatoes in a big tub this year. They will be converted to potato salad on the 4th of July!